Hi guys,
I am completing Claira Hermet's, 30 day's to change it challenge (#30DTC). In essence, this challenge involves refraining from identifying with the negative thoughts of your mind (thus understand that you are not your mind, or your body for that matter, and in fact that you are something deeper and much greater and more powerful than you realise) saying daily positive affirmations and also making a list and completing whatever it is that makes you happy and brings you peace, over a 30 day period. Writing is one of the main things in life that brings me peace. So for the next 30 days I am going to do my best to write a poem a day! Here is my first instalment. I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to comment and share.
Much love,
Ashley Samba
We Win Or We Grow
I know I can’t live forever
So as long as I’m here, I may as well live
in heaven
My mind’s a seed
With water it’ll flower
So I respect the sun, but sometimes the
rain is what I need
To grow tall like a tree
To be resilient in all weathers
Like a palm tree, flexibility is key
It stays in sync, to and fros with the
If it resisted it would break down
When we accept the winds of positivity
But then resist the winds of negativity
We break down
When things don’t go our way, when we don’t
like what people say, when people don’t like what we say, when we’ve had a bad
Just remember
The sun makes you shine
The rain makes you grow
And the harsh winds are to be expected, and
that’s just how life goes
But like all things, the turbulence will
pass, it won’t last
Remember flexibility is key, flow with life
like a palm tree
You can weather the storm
You’re stronger than you know
We don’t lose or fail, we win or we grow
Ashley Samba ©