Wednesday, 1 February 2017

We Win Or We Grow/Day 1 #30DTC

Hi guys,

I am completing Claira Hermet's, 30 day's to change it challenge (#30DTC). In essence, this challenge involves refraining from identifying with the negative thoughts of your mind (thus understand that you are not your mind, or your body for that matter, and in fact that you are something deeper and much greater and more powerful than you realise) saying daily positive affirmations and also making a list and completing whatever it is that makes you happy and brings you peace, over a 30 day period. Writing is one of the main things in life that brings me peace. So for the next 30 days I am going to do my best to write a poem a day! Here is my first instalment. I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to comment and share. 

Much love,

Ashley Samba

We Win Or We Grow

I know I can’t live forever
So as long as I’m here, I may as well live in heaven
My mind’s a seed
With water it’ll flower
So I respect the sun, but sometimes the rain is what I need
To grow tall like a tree
To be resilient in all weathers
Like a palm tree, flexibility is key
It stays in sync, to and fros with the winds
If it resisted it would break down
When we accept the winds of positivity
But then resist the winds of negativity
We break down
When things don’t go our way, when we don’t like what people say, when people don’t like what we say, when we’ve had a bad day
Just remember
The sun makes you shine
The rain makes you grow
And the harsh winds are to be expected, and that’s just how life goes
But like all things, the turbulence will pass, it won’t last
Remember flexibility is key, flow with life like a palm tree
You can weather the storm
You’re stronger than you know
We don’t lose or fail, we win or we grow

Ashley Samba © 

Monday, 30 January 2017

Oh To Be A Kid Again

Hi guys,

This is a shorter post than usual! It's me 'getting my poetry on'! Hope you enjoy!

Much love,

Ashley Samba (poem to follow below)

Oh To Be A Kid Again

Oh to be a kid again,
no bills, no rent,
no stress, many friends,
just living in the present.

Oh to be a kid again,
just now, no past,
no regrets, no drama,
just living days like my last.

Oh to be kids again,
imagination boundless,
Laughter all around us,
masters of our happiness.

Let's live like kids again,
more love, less hate,
hard work, but more play,
more gratitude and less complaints.

Ashley Samba ©

Sunday, 22 January 2017


Hi guys!

This is a shorter post than usual! I had a potential, near-death experience the other night! I was riding my bicycle like a d@#khead, trying to run the lights, and almost got knocked over by an oncoming car! I didn't see the car until the last minute, thankfully the driver's emergency-stop-game was on point! My impatience almost cost me dearly, and could have potentially caused a serious accident, as well as a traumatic experience for the driver! Lesson learned!

Anyway, it got my thinking about life. Yes, if you are reading this you are living, but are you really alive? Isn't it also ironic, that people have to experience the death of others, or have to have a near death experience themselves, before they can appreciate life?

Anywhoo, please see my poem 'Almost', below. Feel free to like comment and share :D.
Once again, thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog posts.

Almost died last night,
Now I need to start living.
Is that what it takes,
For me to start living?
To stop moaning about menial shit,
And start living.
Need to learn that life is a gift,
And start living.
Three meals, clothes on my back,
That’s blessed living.
Warm bed roof ‘bove my head,
That’s blessed living.
But I still get vexed by opinions,
That’s time-wasting.
It’s nonsense, ‘n’ most ain’t facts,
I can’t change it.
Too scared to shine my lights,
It’s insanity.
Living in the dark ain’t right,
It’s insanity.
Bright lights, can dim with thoughts,
We’ve gotta make our mind a companion,
Not an enemy.
The universe is our place,
And there’s space for change.
My thoughts are outdated,
So it’s time to renovate.
It’s time to act on what I love,
‘N’ not be consumed by hate.
Cause I almost died last night,
So I can’t let life go to waste.

(C) Ashley Samba

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Powerful Beyond Measure

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us’, (Marianne Williamson).

Like many people of my age, I heard this quote in the film Coach Carter. It was alien to me. It left me perplexed. I’d spent untold hours stuck in a timid, negative and self-suppressing mindset. A prisoner to my mental demons, wanting a way out of my own head. All I wanted was inner peace and clarity. All I wanted was more confidence, more self-esteem, more self-belief, to be ‘powerful beyond measure’. So how could that be my ‘deepest fear’? If all I ever wanted was greatness, why would I be afraid of it? Why would I settle for mediocracy? To me, this was akin to a homeless person, without a penny to his name, not knowing where his next meal would come from, saying on one hand that he desperately needs money to survive, but on the other hand saying that he’d be scared to win the lottery (FYI my analogies are weird and random, and may not make any sense whatsoever unless you are weird and random too! J)!
Wanting greatness and fearing it, seemed antithetical. Until I became aware of the concept of the ego. The ego can be defined as a person’s ‘false sense of self’. Or more easily put, it pertains to the labels that you attach to yourself such as your occupation, or race, social status or tax bracket. A person may deem themselves superior, inferior or equal to another person, based purely on the labels that they attach to themselves, in comparison to others. The ego creates ‘your story’. For example, stories that you are ‘not good enough’ to achieve your goals, that you ‘don’t deserve to be happy’ or that worrying excessively about things ‘shows that you care’ or that you are inferior to other people (conversely, egos can also tell a story that one is ‘better’ than somebody else). Obviously, some people have more obstacles than others when it comes to excelling in life, you would be very deluded or very ignorant to suggest otherwise, but the point I’m making is that the ego can act as the inner shackle that holds you back.
It is never satisfied. It needs something to complain about. It needs enemies. It needs people and or situations to judge and criticize, it always wants more, it can’t just Be. It feeds off drama and suffering. The ego doesn’t represent the true person that I am, it doesn’t represent my true Being. Many a time I have felt conflicted within. Hence the expression ‘I (the inner me/real me), cannot live with my-self (the ego)’. Thus, something within my mind, subconsciously enjoys the mental pain that I have endured when I’ve had a bad day at work, when someone has said something unkind to me or when I have failed at a task I was trying to complete. These situations result in more criticism and judgement of others, more negative self-talk and more declarations of ‘I’m not good enough’, thus adding more fuel to drama-filled fire, thus strengthening my ego’s mental stronghold.
Although I feel that I will never be absent of emotion, accepting all moments for what they are, instead of judging them, or labelling them, and refraining from holding onto the past at the detriment of the Now or the future, I hope will give me more balance. I’ve come to realize that it is in insane to remain in a negative mindset. Worrying is pointless. If you can solve something, then you shouldn’t worry about it, and if you can’t solve something, then you shouldn’t worry about it (believe me I know it isn’t quite that simple, but using an extreme example hopefully highlights in the main, what is the nonsensical nature of worrying). Trash talking oneself, telling yourself that you’re not good enough limits one’s potential. I’ve also realized that ‘I’m’ not doing those things, it has been my ego. Thus, instead of attaching myself to ego’s ramblings on, I have instead (as per Eckhart Tolle’s suggestion in his book A New Earth) simply observed the thoughts of the ego, and stopped from identifying with them. I’ve stopped believing that those negative thoughts are a representation of who I am. This technique, albeit quite new (very new in fact) to me, has been surprisingly effective in reducing my pain towards situations that I had perceived as negative.
Thinking, does not represent our complete nature. It is simply a component of our human experience. As Fritz Pearls said ‘lose your mind and come to your senses’. Thus, we may have to lose our mind (or our ego), to realise our greatness.
Thus, to conclude, it seems our true power, our light, our ability to reach greatness, is our ego’s ‘deepest fear’.
Comment and share if any of this resonates with you. 
Thanks for reading.
Much love,
Ashley Samba.